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Protect Your Grain:

You’ve devoted time and money to your grain. Proper drying is essential to maintaining optimal moisture levels in your bin, says Ron Kleuskens, Technical Sales Representative at AGI. The condition of stored grain can deteriorate due to temperature variations and moisture levels. Drying moist grain before it goes into the bin makes it easier to control the condition of your grain while in storage.

Drying Matters:

Storing wet or moist grain can cause your grain to spoil – fast. AGI NECO Mixed Flow Dryers are designed to heat grain evenly, significantly reducing or eliminating heat damage, says Ron Kleuskens. The low-maintenance, screenless design provides 1-2 lbs heavier test weights compared to screen dryers and saves up to 30% in fuel costs. Heavier test weights and lower fuel costs mean more money in your pocket!

Key Features:

  • No screens to clean or get plugged, maintaining airflow throughout drying season
  • Up to 30% more fuel-efficient than conventional screen dryers
  • Stainless steel fuel trains mean no corrosion, no rusting and better performance
  • Maintains the highest grain quality because of lower kernel temperatures
  • Quiet centrifugal fans

Total System Solutions

Move wet grain through your AGI NECO Dryer and back into a dry bin with AGI Hutchinson grain loops and permanent handling systems. Our closed-looped systems provide load-in and load-out options, and one or more bins can be unloaded at a time. Reduced drying costs can be achieved with the innovative system by blending higher moisture grain with dried grain from different bins. The loop system can be installed underneath a row of existing hopper bins, or with a flat storage system – the possibilities are endless. For added peace of mind, store your grain in industry-leading AGI Westeel grain bins. With AGI total system solutions – we’ve got you covered!

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